Friday, May 6, 2011

The Sad Truth - Trafficking


Every year 800,000 new victims are locked in the sex trade against their will.
Every year the businesses in Bangkok rake in one billion dollars off of children alone
About 100,000 kids will go missing from America's streets this year.
Every year the global sex industry makes $57 billion.
Every minute two children are forced into the sex industry.
Due to porn, forced prostitution, early death to AIDS & honor killings about 500,000 females 'go missing' every year.
Our 'first' world is the largest consumer of porn & the sex industry it creates. The 'third' world is the largest victim. We have re-created slavery around lust.
The porn industry is 57 billion dollars strong.
Twelve is the average age of prostitutes.
Porn revenue is larger than the combined finances of all professional sports franchises & exceeds the combined revenues of all news networks.
12% of the Web is dedicated to porn.
12 – 17 year olds are their largest consumers.
90% of eight year olds have seen porn.
Scientific studies prove that view porn is addictive and leads to the following.


Rape rates in the USA have increased 523% in 30 years.
Males become violent. Incest and sibling molestation has increased.
Most battered women are those whose partners viewed porn.
Most porn viewers try out what they see within a few days.
Heterophobia heightened ( the fear of, distrust of, and disappointment with the opposite sex) is the common outcome of porn. In these instances, it often leads to homosexual and lesbian activity.
Men exposed to porn become callous to women. Marriage becomes devalued, and more bizarre forms of sex are required to stimulate. Multiple partners become the norm.
Impotence is a natural result of using porn.
Every day 8,000 teens in the USA become infected with a STD.
Children born out of wedlock, abortion, Viagra, date violence, STDs and AIDS have become a 'normal' part of our world.
In the USA teen pregnancies and single mothers in poverty cost us 7 billion in taxes.
78% of pregnancies are unintentional. Abortion is costing US taxpayers more than 5 billion a year.
Treating STDs is 10 billion dollars of tax funds.


Become a voice – find and use your voice for victims.
Host an Awareness Event in your home, church or place of employment.
Volunteer to help.
Choose to buy items made by rescued victims at Fair Trade wages. This empowers them.
Raise funds to support or start projects that rescue and restore – both locally and internationally.
Choose abstinence and faithfulness.
Become an intern; use your skills.
Connect with organizations who are doing something.

UGH! :(

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